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#1 Disclaimer:
People do not like the truth, what I say here is by all means the truth and only the truth, I have no inclination to lie. I am actually typing this to bring some stuff out that needs to be said, some things you need to know. In the future I'm sure there will be some type of damage control from the other party that this pertains to. You may believe him, or believe me. I am not going to argue my side further than what I am typing here. Just remember I am being 100% honest in all of this, once again, I have NO REASON to lie. I am saying this from what I view, and from my own opinions.

Note to staff/helpers/guards/players in general.
If what you read beyond you agree with/support. Maybe you should think twice about what you're doing in life, see #8 for more details.
IF you decide to skip anything some things might not make sense, I suggest reading EVERYTHING!!!!
I SUGGEST READING #4, #5, #7, #8 if you are going to SKIP!!

#2 Intro
Hey guys, it's me Connor (connor12568) I guess a lot has happened in the course of just a few hours.. But, I'm going to come clean since Leon (cloakfox) probably wont.

So why am I resigned randomly?

Well, I was never really going to resign, I liked Foxcraft and enjoyed it for the most part.

#3 Backstory
At the end of summer I decided I wanted to focus on school so that's why I became inactive at that time. As the server grew I contacted Leon in Skype on more than one occasion wondering if he wanted me back. Though I was too busy and the stuff I did for the server was just a little bit more than a volunteering job. I was busy as it was so I wanted to come back as someone who worked for him, did what he said and I would be PAID for it. Come on, you guys really think I did all that stuff took hours out of my day to do this for free? I used to but I began to realize how I pretty much was getting used, I felt very used actually. That's one of the reasons I became inactive during the summer because I did not enjoy what I was doing, I just felt like it was a job where I wasn't really given much.

Leon did have little "Christmas Bonuses" at the end of the year where he would give me a couple hundred $$ as a thank you. But for what I was doing it was never really enough, I don't know if it sounds greedy but it really just didn't seem like it was the thank you I deserved, I mean I'm taking weeks out of my life for this server for this guy and I get a couple hundred? I will never understand how Staff on this server do this, for example Jayx does too much. There's just a line where you begin to do more than volunteering and it actually starts sucking your life away with no reward. The only person who is collecting is the one and only "cloakfox".

#4 The Truth

I ended my last note on cloakfox, yes he isn't actually the cool Owner you thought he was. What do you think he does with all that money? He's just like every other Minecraft Owner of a successful server.

Yes, I will not throw him under the bus entirely, Leon does spend A LOT on advertisements but not everything.
He has taxes so he as to pay for that
He has to pay for custom plugins
He has to pay for system administrators and developers (I think)

$ Figures - Leon probably makes around $2,500 - $5,000 a month, with a total of roughly around $125,000 in the whole of Foxcraft.
He saves a lot too, I bet he has roughly 8k saved or more, (don't quote me on that i'm not entirely sure but he has a lot saved)

Leon also likes to spend a lot of money on personal items like his car payment and probably other things he's never mentioned to me, my point being not all the money is recycled back into Foxcraft, (start sarcasm) big shocker I know (end sarcasm).

What's my point? Not everything is going back into Foxcraft, this will be a counter to his argument (later see #7)

#5 Deserve

This is going to be a bit of a digression to my other #'s but still backs up my theory as to why Leon is actually not who he says he is, and doesn't really care about the people that work hard for him as I thought and perhaps you might thought he might did.

So, in the server Prison. I MYSELF created the "DONOR" rank, Leon even said he didn't think it was a good idea but I went ahead anyways and created it, putting all the permissions creating in general (Thanks xExecutorx/Josh for creating the Donor Shop)

I created all the things that was needed for the rank to be made not a single thing Leon touched.

I PAID $150 for that Donor Mine you see in there today, from a builder. This is from my OWN POCKET. Not a single cent was paid for by Leon and I never got reimbursed for that $. (Note I never asked him to pay, I am just stating that I paid for this and I never asked for a reimbursement nor do I think he knew I paid $ but he might've.)
Over the course of the Donor rank it took off, it became good. So good that it racked in around $6000-$10000 in total donations from just that rank alone.

Guess how much of that I received. For creating the rank that made that much, for putting the time and effort in to do that. For doing everything. Guess.


That's right, I got ******* nothing absolutely nothing. That rank earned roughly 10 grand and I get not even a penny, I asked and he was like "no" I mean really dude, that's just so cheap and scummy, with all the $ he makes already you'd think for doing what I did I deserve something from that. I created it, I made that $10000 and he just waves a hand, he wants to keep every penny like a *******. I just can't believe someone could be so scummy as to keep every penny of something that wouldn't even exist if I hadn't of made it. I never voiced that concern but now I can and oh my god what a cheap ******* he his for doing that to me, not a single cent I ever got.

Now, it was never a deal in the first place for me to get anything from it but you ask yourself this.

Pretend you're a huge server owner
If one of your staff members was like, "Hey I want to make a rank"
You don't care and they do it and it racks in 10 grand.

Don't you think if they asked, "hey shouldn't I get a cut from that since I practically made it and just printed $ for you basically?"

Hell yeah I would say, I mean it's just common courtesy to give back to the person that made you ******* 10 thousand dollars from almost nothing, you just had to sit back and collect. Not a "Na I won't even give you $50 **** dat lel"

This is someone that I would define as a


#6 Job

So Leon eventually contacts me, I have Skype logs for this.

[1/17/2016 12:33:40 PM] Leon: If I am gonna expand at the rate I am currently doing I need a manager that can do all the missing rank issues, and some bug fixing
[1/17/2016 12:34:00 PM] Connor: Oh, I'd be willing..
[1/17/2016 12:34:02 PM] Connor: But uh
[1/17/2016 12:34:03 PM] Leon: 500 per month is much though
[1/17/2016 12:34:09 PM] Connor: It's worth it bra
[1/17/2016 12:34:11 PM] Connor: XD
[1/17/2016 12:34:13 PM] Leon: I know
[1/17/2016 12:34:18 PM] Connor: I'd take so much off of your shoulders
[1/17/2016 12:34:19 PM] Leon: I can't handle bugs reports etc
[1/17/2016 12:34:29 PM] Connor: I can do whatever you need me to
[1/17/2016 12:34:42 PM] Leon: Alright, I am willing to pay you 500 1st of february
[1/17/2016 12:34:58 PM] Connor: As a starting/
[1/17/2016 12:35:03 PM] Connor: You got yourself a deal
[1/17/2016 12:35:14 PM] Connor: So like 500 per month as we stated?
[1/17/2016 12:35:14 PM] Leon: I will get facs Glacier as soon as I can
[1/17/2016 12:35:19 PM] Leon: Yes
[1/17/2016 12:35:24 PM] Leon: ready*

That day, January 17th is when I began my Job at Foxcraft making 500 a month.
It included doing those bug reports, and suggestions, and all the donation help, etc.
To keep the server running, all this jazz.
I thought it was a good deal, I would be good.
All of this drama was left behind on our old forums, This is our new forums meaning a brand new start please refrain from posting and bringing up old drama that was left behind, We as a community are trying to move on and don't need anyone posting this over and over again.

If you don't agree then this server isn't for you

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