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    Bug on Kingdoms

    Er is een bug op kingdoms dat wanneer je in combat bent en je spamt commands je eruit word gekickt end an niet dood gaat mensen abusen dit voor ct loggen
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    Bug on Kingdoms

    Hi there is a bug on kingdom if you are in combat and you spam commands you dont die. People use this to combat log for already 4 months or so.
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    I am TIER2RA, and I recently got unbanned. I was afk in spawn and Koekjes_Te_Koop killed me with fireworks while I was inside of spawn. Please fix this and how do I get my stuff back now?
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    Kingdoms plugins are not not good

    I lost all my items because i did /k invade on Cheatcodes Their zombie is unkillable i was in 4 p4unb3 sets and sharp 6 and i attacked it for 40 minutes than i couldnt run away from it because you cant give up the fight. 0 health was going off the zombie and than 4 members came online and also...
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    Appeal for unmute + my item back

    Hi, my ingame name is Slince also known as r2tdd. With this appeal i hope to get my item back and to get unmuted. 1. unmute I was muted 2 weeks ago for "Toxicity", the reason i was "toxic" is because i got very mad that i paid my real money for ingame items and it dissapeared because of...
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    Set back / tokens - r2tdd

    Hello my name is r2tdd, 1 week ago Zenofox was hacking and killed me trough the wall and i reported him. He did not get banned since it did not have enough proof. Now 3 days ago he killed me again with his hacks but he got banned also by someone else's report that had enough proof. My question...