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I have played the new season for some hours now and i think its kinda good but the pvp is ***.
i really like the two worlds because now your claim can’t get raided and claimed neutral [kuch kuch laylah grindking trap while no one was online]. Altough i dont like the neutral being in kingdoms if u dont like to get raided play survival but thats just me.
the new benefits like Faster spawner spawn rate is nice if your claiming in olympus, but its still to risky and not worth it to claim here there needs to be a much bigger punishment for claiming in elysium claim or a bigger reward for claiming in Olympus. Maybe a mana cost per day of owning claim/s in elysium or maybe like a shield for everyone in olympus that we can only raid from like 7pm to 9pm everyday or something.
the idea of not losing items/testing ur armor in warp pvp is nice but it being in spawn it kinda suck it should be a small or big area where u can tp to like /warp arena.
the way of making money sucks the spawners and especially the dolphins spawners are just hard meta if your doing anything else other than that your chance of getting baltop is very very small there needs to be way More ways to make some good money.
the 1.9 pvp is alright the people that want the 1.8 pvp back are just saying that because they are better at 1.8 i my self am much better at 1.8 i like them both but the pvp on here is really ***.
the thing that just sucks are the custom enchants to make a good set and sword just takes way to long and there are way to many custom enchants and alot of them are usseless.
and the pvp is just based on luck confusion if you proc twice while he is eating a gapple you will kill him because he cant gapple if hes hotbar is shuffling, or if your lucky and get two supercritical hits you kill him super fast and also the slow effect Makes the pvp really ****.
although i dont like the custom enchants if the custom enchants continue i would prefer to have /enchants and buy random book enchants for xp like you have in some faction servers because normal enchanting takes way to long and is boring.
Also kit foxking is bassicaly usseless against g gear u get 1 tapped by everyone the thing i always liked before was people from other game modes like skyblock and surival came and used to kit to sometimes fight people in warp pvp wich was always fun but now because basic p4 **** you dont see them any more.

I have played the new season for some hours now and i think its kinda good but the pvp is ***.
i really like the two worlds because now your claim can’t get raided and claimed neutral [kuch kuch laylah grindking trap while no one was online]. Altough i dont like the neutral being in kingdoms if u dont like to get raided play survival but thats just me.
the new benefits like Faster spawner spawn rate is nice if your claiming in olympus, but its still to risky and not worth it to claim here there needs to be a much bigger punishment for claiming in elysium claim or a bigger reward for claiming in Olympus. Maybe a mana cost per day of owning claim/s in elysium or maybe like a shield for everyone in olympus that we can only raid from like 7pm to 9pm everyday or something.
the idea of not losing items/testing ur armor in warp pvp is nice but it being in spawn it kinda suck it should be a small or big area where u can tp to like /warp arena.
the way of making money sucks the spawners and especially the dolphins spawners are just hard meta if your doing anything else other than that your chance of getting baltop is very very small there needs to be way More ways to make some good money.
the 1.9 pvp is alright the people that want the 1.8 pvp back are just saying that because they are better at 1.8 i my self am much better at 1.8 i like them both but the pvp on here is really ***.
the thing that just sucks are the custom enchants to make a good set and sword just takes way to long and there are way to many custom enchants and alot of them are usseless.
and the pvp is just based on luck confusion if you proc twice while he is eating a gapple you will kill him because he cant gapple if hes hotbar is shuffling, or if your lucky and get two supercritical hits you kill him super fast and also the slow effect Makes the pvp really ****.
although i dont like the custom enchants if the custom enchants continue i would prefer to have /enchants and buy random book enchants for xp like you have in some faction servers because normal enchanting takes way to long and is boring.
Also kit foxking is bassicaly usseless against g gear u get 1 tapped by everyone the thing i always liked before was people from other game modes like skyblock and surival came and used to kit to sometimes fight people in warp pvp wich was always fun but now because basic p4 **** you dont see them any more.
Hello, there are more balance changes planned for the near future :)
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