October 2024
- Enabled 40% OFF sale (https://store.Foxcraft.net/)
- Added support for Minecraft 1.21.2 (thanks @MisterMel)
- On 1.21.1 games: swapped to more future proof menus solution
(this resulted in some commands getting broken, that have since been fixed) - Fixed the creation of referral IP's not working (thanks @MisterMel)
- Fixed a few more chat filter false positives
- Updated java edition support
- Updated bedrock edition support
- Updated proxy software to latest (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Added personal signature to lore of various items when crafting them (pickaxes, shulkers, chestplates & more)
- Added sea pickles, seagrass & poppy to /shop item pool
- More minions fixes (thanks @MisterMel)
- Tested (& removed) pvp knockback improvements. Not stable yet
- Improved FPS performance for bedrock users at spawn
- Disabled telepathy enchant
- Fixed issues with seller/sorter minions
- Fixed being unable to teleport to your own locked warp (thanks @Nowaha)
- Fixed a few exploits with foxcreative
- Fixed issues with /help & some other commands
- Fixed issue with armorstands & name tags
- Performance improvements related to chat (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to cookieclicker (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to FoxCreative (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to enchants
- Updated enchants plugin to latest
- Updated store integration
- Updated world border library
- Updated chat filter (fixed a bunch of false positives)
- Updated skills feature
- Updated auctions to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Updated jobs to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Added /skills (mcmmo menu)
- Reset the nether & end worlds
- Gave spawn a fresh new coat of paint
- Signatures (in lore) can appear on more items/tools/blocks now
- Fixed small exploit related to mini kitpvp area
- Fixed issues with seller/sorter minions
- Fixed issue with armorstands & name tags
- Fixed vehicles looking wonky
- Fixed issues with /help & some other commands
- Fixed being unable to teleport to your own locked warp (thanks @Nowaha)
- Fixed exploiting in canvas area at spawn
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to chat (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to cookieclicker (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Updated store integration
- Updated chat filter (fixed a bunch of false positives)
- Updated Random Challenges feature
- Updated auctions to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Updated jobs to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Updated per player treasures & loot feature
- Updated starter kit
- Added personal signature to lore of various items when crafting them
- Increased amount of free claims new kingdoms receive to 12 (from 8)
- Signatures (in lore) can appear on more items/tools/blocks now
- Fixed being able to store dungeon kit items in ender chests (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Fixed being unable to teleport to your own locked warp (thanks @Nowaha)
- Fixed issue with armorstands & name tags
- Fixed issues with seller/sorter minions
- Fixed issues with /help & some other commands
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to chat (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to cookieclicker (thanks @MisterMel)
- Performance improvements related to minions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Updated starter kit (upgraded to iron tier)
- Updated auctions to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Updated jobs to latest version (general fixes/improvements)
- Updated chat filter (fixed a bunch of false positives)
- Updated per player treasures & loot feature
- Added difficulty display in map completion chat messages (thanks @unknown)
- Added game voice actor "Jeff Steitzer" credits at spawn
- Added phantoms showcase clip at spawn
- Swapped to same menu's solution as our other 1.21.1 games
- Disabled end portal creation (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Updated "Other map playlists" menu
- Updated to Minecraft version 1.21.1 (thanks @NoahvdAa)
Please join us in welcoming @DZultra to the team, and congratulating @AllHailToKingK & @Cxcoo on their promotions!

Congratulations to the top voters of October:
1. Korobor with 185 votes! | +500 vote points (€10)
2. NikeEend with 178 votes! | +400 vote points (€8)
3. Alex_Tro with 174 votes! | +300 vote points (€6)
4. nxtskv with 169 votes! | +200 vote points (€4)
5. Angel_Karen with 160 votes! | +100 vote points (€2)