August 2024
Hello, here is a summary of August!CHANGELOGS
- Updated chat filter
- Updated bedrock edition support
- Updated java edition support
- Improved performance of /checkchunk (thanks @MisterMel)
- Updated to 1.21.1
- Added crab bait augment to vote crate
- Added ability to randomly teleport to specified biome (thanks @UnfamousThomas)
- Added new command /wildbiome (thanks @UnfamousThomas)
- Added mob size randomizer (mobs can spawn in different sizes)
- Added dedicated server links in client ESC menu
- Added mini kitpvp area at spawn, /warp pvp2
- Added most wanted posters around spawn (for highest bounties)
- Added top bounty hunters leaderboard hologram near /warp pvp
- Added bounties back
- Fixed initial update bugs (issues with crates, messages & more)
- Fixed /pets (thanks @unknown)
- Fixed issue with crate key reward not working for completing random chat challenges
- Fixed naming pets (thanks @unknown)
- Fixed lumberjack minions not replanting correct saplings (thanks @MisterMel)
- Increased chunk render distance to 16 chunks
- Lowered range of wither spawning sound
- Lowered range of ender dragon slain sound
- Reduced pinata party threshold to 125
- Mob sizes can now slightly vary (Mobs are now randomly smaller/bigger)
- "In combat" scoreboard now shows the bounty of your enemy
- Optimized performance (thanks @MisterMel)
- Slightly updated spawn
- Disabled discord <-> mc chat syncing (temporarily)
- Updated monthly crate
- Updated random teleport NPC, added a selection menu
- Updated fishing plugin
- Improved performance
- Added top bounty hunters leaderboard NPC at /warp pvp
- Added most wanted posters in pvp area
- Added more spawning locations for the Pinata Party in the pvp area
- Added crab bait augment to pinata crate
- Added crab bait augment to august crate
- Added bounties back
- Added commands hologram at the bridge infront of pvp area
- Future proofed crates for upcoming 1.21.1 update
- Fixed naming pets (thanks @unknown)
- Fixed small issue related to islands software & backpacks (thanks @MisterMel)
- Fixed /pets (thanks @unknown)
- Fixed lumberjack minions not replanting correct saplings (thanks @MisterMel)
- Fixed 3 pyro fish being unobtainable due to invalid biome configuration
- Increased chunk render distance to 8 chunks
- Increased sell price of beetroot from $4 to $5.5 in /shop
- Increased speed of hoppers by 40%
- Reduced pinata party threshold to 125
- Buffed speed of most minions
- "In combat" scoreboard now shows the bounty of your enemy
- Disabled chat inventory displaying feature
- Disabled wings enchantment in overworld & nether
- Updated monthly crate
- Updated starter hologram on new islands
- Updated commands holograms
- Updated enchants plugin
- Updated fishing plugin
- Performance tweaks
- Updated to 1.20.4 (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Added discord chat message when a player reaches a new personal best on any map (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- The message is sent to the #parkour channel in our discord server. You can join our discord by running /discord in-game!
- Added dojo join chat reminder (thanks @unknown)
- Added sound effect when punching phantom for the first time (thanks @unknown)
- Added glow effect when punching phantom for the first time (thanks @unknown)
- Enabled equipped cosmetics display on phantoms
- Fixed issue with getting kicked, related to phantoms & cosmetics (thanks @MisterMel)
- Changed time formatting to 0m, 0s, 0ms (can be toggled to old display through /settings soontm) (thanks @unknown)
- Phantom management menu filter options now persist when closing the menu (thanks @MisterMel)
- The "Hide phantoms" hotbar item will no longer spawn when the map author has phantoms disabled through it's map settings (thanks @MisterMel)
- Removed red numbers from the scoreboards
- Updated various sound effects & their volume
- The kingdoms champion now spawns at a random location inside the invaded claim (thanks @UnfamousThomas)
- Fixed issue with /k fly
- Fixed /pets
- Updated crates, they now only accept virtual keys
- Removed a bunch of place/break & interact restrictions
- Fixed issue with mini kitpvp area & inventories getting stuck (thanks @NoahvdAa)
Congratulations to @Amberx_ on her promotion to Moderator, and welcome @sarahkipz and @despairfuls to the staff team!

(thanks camerawoman @LLianaa)
Congratulations to the top voters of August:
1. dragonaster with 179 votes! | +500 vote points (€10)
2. Evelinnx with 175 votes! | +400 vote points (€8)
3. Korobor with 174 votes! | +300 vote points (€6)
4. Proxish with 169 votes! | +200 vote points (€4)
5. LeecherR with 166 votes! | +100 vote points (€2)
Have a spectacular September!!