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living pictures wool farm

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Wool farms are one of the easier redstone automations to construct in that the required components are very few; (an observer, a dispenser, a redstone dust and shears. Then a hopper minecart underneath to collect the wool. I however am not satisfied with continuing to use what works without tinkering with the build in some way. To this end I have definitely come up with a strange setup for a wool farm.

*I will not include a collection system for the wool as it is users choice how and where they want their items to go. This is more for the workings of the farm.

To begin I have the sheep in minecarts so as to prevent them from walking out of the farm. Sheep can eat the grass under a minecart while they are in it. Observers can detect eaten grass and will send a signal to the dispenser with shears. With enough nearby grass it will not take long for the it to spread back to the eaten grass. So long as there are shears in the dispenser this farm will continue to run without player interaction.

Keep in mind that this farm is more elaborate than a regular wool farm. Unnecessarily so...

wool farm (1).png

What you see here is 2 sheep each in their own stall with their heads protruding through a picture. They will turn, eat, and sometimes poke their heads out to say hi. Hold wheat in your hand and all heads will be front and center. Since this farm shears the sheep as soon as they eat grass it is difficult to get to see the sheep colors unless they do not eat right away.

wool farm (3).png

The hopper minecart must sit on a rail on top of the hopper in order to be able to grab the wool above the grass block. From there we can send the wool to where ever.
The wall blocks help to position the sheep in a minecart. It takes some careful nudging to get it in just the right spot so the cart is not visible through the painting.

There is some side grass to help in spreading that can be placed between stalls, (optional), but most importantly it is the grass under the build that does the majority of the spreading.

wool farm (2).png

Use a stair block on the side grass next to the minecart so the grass does not revert back to dirt. Place 2 signs that will allow you to put a painting on them. A sign can be placed in the same space as the minecart after the rail is removed. This sheep has eaten, been sheared, and the grass has already spread back to the block under the sheep. The wool is in the chest.

wool farm (4).png

This is to remind you that grass should be under the build with one block of air between to greatly speed up the grass spread.

There is probably more explanations required but the idea is that your pictures are alive and it is a farm.

Hope this help, have fun out there.

** Confirmation of riding in a minecart on top of lava filled cauldrons while being in water is a death sentence;

death by lava.png

Be careful out there, all might not be as it seems.
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