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The Problem with Mob Stacking

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Well y'see kiddo theres a big ol' problem on good ol' survival mcFOXCRAFT lately that I've...heh...noticed. mOb sTaCkInG. You know I actually appreciate that this 'plugin' or 'mechanic' reduces lag by stacking mobs into one entity but y'see heres the problem good ol' cloaky wokey! Mob stacking can also stack non-hosile mobs e.g. cows, sheep, villagers (big problem), pigs, chickens and other passive mobs like these stack in farms which makes it harder to breed them, and in the case of villagers, harder to trade with them. So please consider at least changing the mob stacking plugin so it only stacks hostile mobs, since it gets annoying when I'm trying to make a sheep farm or a cow farm or something similar and all the mobs stack together making it harder to breed.
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