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I'm quitting! [Satire]

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Since the day I joined this server, every single time I clicked the log in button, I've reminded myself that today would come. now that i'm leaving, I realize most things have remained the same - creative being filled with 9 year olds that role play nasty things - the survival server resetting more then a girl changes clothes, and the kit pvp server being more dead then my diseased uncle, but best of all the hub where you can't even use the server compass and you have to type a long 10 letters.
I sincerely hope you all see the day full of good luck (for me, that would be today). For all those demanding a treat, you can come to my house and argue it over with my mother, she makes terrific biryani and packs a mean punch.
;) - This isn't a smiley it's a black eye she gave me recently
Now guys I swear I wont be back and i'm going to do something else with my life. I am NEVER, coming back. Wait... you guys don't care? But.. I said i'm leaving? Don't you realize what that means?! I'm going to leave forever!
I swear I am, don't make me leave forever. Fine you made me do this! Because I was just bluffing to get attention but you made me actually quit!....Wait I wasn't supposed to say that part.

If you don't know why i'm doing this i'm making fun of the people who say they quit for attention then return back a week later.

(This is satire meaning the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, basically it's a joke)
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Thread starter #4
I like how (Anonymous) commented no one cares then deleted it because he didn't realize this is a joke. Read the damn tittle it literally says satire.
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